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Re: [TenTec] Omni 6 Plus

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Omni 6 Plus
From: Ken <kakoval@cox.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 13:02:04 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Barry -

I agree with you. My original Omni 6 Plus manual seems to be an exact match for the manual on the Ten Tec site with the exception of the advertising pages. It is a very good Operator's Manual. However, what it does not contain is what is needed by the more technical amateurs. What is needed:
Good block diagram
Part numbers to include component value, power rating, tolerances, voltage rating, polarity of polarized capacitors
Interconnect diagram
Performance test procedures
Alignment procedures
Detailed circuit description (brief description is in Operator's Manual)
Trouble shooting assistance

This detail is certainly out of scope for an operator's manual but is typically found in a service manual and most major ham radio equipment offer such manuals at an additional cost. This information certainly exists within the engineering department of Ten Tec, but they have decided not to release it. They must have released a significant amount of information to the ARRL enabling them to compose an excellent Omni 6 Plus description in the 2000 ARRL Handbook. The technical amateurs will just have to search around and make educated guesses based on the information provided with the hopes that some day Ten Tec will release more.
Ken, K9PGC

On 4/26/2015 4:33 AM, Barry N1EU wrote:
The online Omni 6+ manual seems an exact match for the manual that came
with my radio, other than the logic board schematic being broken into two
pages and the insertion of 3 advertising pages in the online manual.

73, Barry N1EU

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 6:54 AM, Wade Staggs <tvman1954@gmail.com> wrote:

*Hello Ken,*
*                  The original manual which came with the rig, Has quite a
bit more information. The Omni 6 manual that I am currently looking at (
Thanks Jim Allen ) has part numbers, schematics and a great deal of
information. Theory of Operation for each Board and Function. When I traded
for my Paragon, the factory manual came with it. After loaning the manual
to a fellow and not getting it back. We learned that the manuals downloaded
from Ten Tec and others, are shortened/abridged versions. If you look
online, there are vendors who sell full reprints. After finally getting my
Paragon manual back. It will never leave the Shack again!*
*                           Hope we helped? 73 from Wade/KJ4WS*

On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Ken <kakoval@cox.net> wrote:

Hello to the list.  I am a new to Ten Tec products and am in search of
information.  I have just acquired a very nice Omni 6 Plus, Model 564,
would like to better understand it's technical details.  I have been an
amateur since 1956 with significant experience and am comfortable jumping
into this rig.  I have an original Operator's Manual but cannot seem to
find additional detailed information such as a good block diagram, parts
list, alignment information or preferably a service manual.  Is this type
of information available or must I be dependent on Ten Tec for any issues
or problems that may arise?  Any assistance in finding such detail would
greatly appreciated.  Thanks...Ken, K9PGC

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