Check the red wire going to the final brickā¦.if I remember, my omni 6 has a
loose singed connection just before the red B+ went to the final enclosure. Fix
for that was easy.
On Sep 28, 2015, at 5:10 PM, John King via TenTec <> wrote:
> I have a number of HF transceivers and my favorite is my Omni VI plus. The
> final output is down to about 60 watts. Otherwise, the beauty works flawless.
> Nothing castatrophic has happened to my faithful favorite Omni VI plus. Has
> anyone experienced such a power output drop? Could it be a dirty connector or
> board connection? If you have actual knowledge of such an occurrence, please
> tell me about it and suggest test procedures and remedy. Thanks and 73,
> John, K5PGW
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