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Re: [TenTec] [TenTec_Eagle] OT: 7300 buy back program

To: TenTec_Eagle@yahoogroups.com, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] [TenTec_Eagle] OT: 7300 buy back program
From: Darrell Bellerive <ve7iu@runbox.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2016 14:42:21 -0700
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
The IC-7610 has just been announced:


On 16-08-15 12:24 AM, 'rick@dj0ip.de' Rick@dj0ip.de [TenTec_Eagle] wrote:
I know lots of hams like to brag on their new radio but the new does 
wear off.
Many of the users are not satisfied – for whatever reason -  and have 
buyer’s remorse.
One German retailer has a trade-up policy where customers can trade 
the 7300 in on an IC-7600.
I was listening to one OM last night on 80 who took advantage of it 
and is glad he did.
I had noticed that most retailers here have had sales going on for the 
7600 for a long time.
My hunch is, lack of demand.

Seems they have found a new way to move inventory.

And of course the can resell the 7300 in a heartbeat.

As ICOM told one of the user groups when one of its customers complained about the 7300’s performance in a contest: “It is an entry level radio. You can’t expect it to perform like a radio costing twice as much or more.”
Actually this is not as “Off Topic” as I thought.

THINK TWICE before selling your Eagle or OM7 to buy a 7300.


Rick, DJ0IP

Posted by: "rick@dj0ip.de" <Rick@DJ0IP.de>
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Darrell Bellerive

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