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Re: [TenTec] Bring back the corsair 2

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Bring back the corsair 2
From: Darrell Bellerive <ve7iu@runbox.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 12:47:13 -0800
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
I agree that the comparison needs to be made using all the capabilities of each rig. Each rig should be set up to present the clearest presentation of the desired signal regardless of bandwidth, gain, filters, etc. What counts is how well one can copy a weak signal in the midst of noise and interfering signals. If one receiver is so much noisier than another, there should be a case where one receiver will present a copyable signal to the operator, and another receiver will not be able to do so.
Also, capturing audio from speakers with a moving microphone is a poor 
way of properly capturing the audio. Ideally audio should be recorded 
directly from the speaker jacks via a proper interface that provides a 
correct load for the audio amp in the radio and the proper signal level 
for the recording equipment. That way room acoustics and microphone 
position and surrounding materials are not influencing the audio 
recorded. Also, recording audio from a low level output on the receiver 
bypasses noise and distortion caused by the final audio amp and is not a 
true capture of the receiver audio.
If a speaker and mic must be used, at least use one speaker for both 
radios with a fixed position mic directly in front of the speaker.
73, Darrell VE7IU

On 16-11-23 11:42 AM, rick@dj0ip.de wrote:
Did you try reducing the RF GAIN or turning on the ATTN on the 7300?

Also, I don't understand why you say "it isn't fair" to turn on the NR on
the 7300.
That's its tool.  The Corsair has other tools which you used (AF filter).

There is no question that the Corsair sounded better but maybe a pruning of
parameters on the 7300 might have decreased the difference.

In any case, I don't think there is any chance that anyone will ever build a
purely analog rig again, regardless of what the comparisons show.  Maybe
that will increase the resale value of Corsairs.

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 8:00 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Bring back the corsair 2

I had a loaded K3s then bought an IC-7300 and the noise level was slightly
lower to the point that the K3s started gathering dust.
Recently I picked up a couple of Corsair II's having forgotten what they
were like. After listening to the Corsair II for a while the noise coming
from the IC-7300 sounds like Darth Vader's breathing. Just a few minutes ago
I tried to have a QSO with a guy and I was having a terrible time trying to
copy his CW. I switched to the Corsair II and felt total relief flood by
frazzled brain. I kicked in the 500 hz xtal filter. The noise actually goes
down instead of up as it does in DSP rigs. I then brought in about 50% audio
filtering and he sounded like a CPO...Remember those?

The Corsair II was the last of long like of analog rigs from TenTec. PLL and
DSP started creeping in and up came the noise.

Here's a couple of videos I made to help get the point across. Again let me
say that the 7300 is one of the quietest (modern) radios I've had and boy
does it sound noisy next to the Corsair II!



It's frustrating. I don't want it to be this way. I want a receiver that's
better than the Corsair II. What to do?

steve n4lq

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Steve Berg <wa9jml@frontier.com> wrote:

There is no way that it would be profitable to recreate the Corsair II
these days.  I really love my Corsair II, and its external VFO.  But,
I also realize that its days are numbered because many of the parts in
it are no longer available.  And, while it was an outstanding DX and
contest radio when it was built, it is not suitable for contesting any
more.  Mine has done a great job for DXing from my rather poor location.

I like it because after several years I have learned its quirks, and
how to best use it under varying conditions.  Realizing its age, I
bought an Omni VII during the fire sale so that I would have a decent
and much newer radio when the Corsair II finally breathes its last.
After several months, I put the Omni VII on the shelf, and went back
to the Corsair II.  I eventually found a good home for the Omni with a
newly minted ham.  I don't miss it. It seemed to require a lot of menu
usage for simple operations, and for which the Corsair II just
requires a bit of adjustment of a knob or two.  I was very impressed
with the Eagle when I used one at the factory several years ago.
Would I buy one at $1700 to have a backup for the Corsair II?  Most
likely yes, especially to help keep Ten Tec afloat.  Most of the
Japanese radios make extensive use of menus, and I don't like using
those.  I have two Argonaut VI radios, and the receivers in those are
simply incredible.  I would like to buy 2 more of them for use as
VHF/UHF IF radios for transverters.  They are apparently similar to
the receiver in the Eagle, so that would be yet another reason to buy
an Eagle.  Since I have little use for contesting, that does not enter
into my preferences in rigs.
I have also worked in economic development as a city administrator and
was on the county economic development board out where I last worked
in this field.  What Mike describes is what we referred to as elephant
And, I suspect that his comments about economic development being
taken over by the local Chambers of Commerce is sadly true.  What
these people do not understand is that by helping out smaller
companies, there is a significant increase in a multiplier effect through
the local economy.
And, the local governments also have to provide less in the way of tax
expenditures and other incentives.  Where I live now local governments
give too many incentives to retail and warehousing, which do not pay
enough to support a family.  They are trying to capitalize on the
local university students, but wind up shooting themselves in the foot
rather frequently.  I would love to see a federal suit challenging
economic incentives on the basis of the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal
Protection Clause.  That would really start to level the playing field in
local economic development.
Your Mileage May Vary...

Steve WA9JML

On 11/23/2016 10:33 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

Yeah, like that's going to happen...

Considering what Dishtronix has dealt with, prior to the Ten Tec
acquisition, in regards to overseas manufacturers, I have some
serious doubts that Mike would seriously do this.  Even if there is
sufficient market for the rig today, which I suspect there isn't.

Now if you could design a Corsair III, including a DDS type dual VFO,
and could afford to build it domestically and sell it at a small
profit for circa US$600, you might have something.  Maybe.  But built
in China?  I doubt it.

73, ron w3wn

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of gary
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 10:36 AM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Bring back the corsair 2

We need a new corsair 2 ,just like the old one with the filters
installed ,made in China.
This is the only way TT can compete.

Sent from my iPad
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