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Re: [TenTec] Off Topic - IRCs

To: Karl Schwab <ktschwab@yahoo.com>, Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Off Topic - IRCs
From: David Kelley <dkelley@bucknell.edu>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 17:26:44 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
There used to be some hams who sold foreign postage for outgoing SASEs. The two I remember are James Mackey K3FN and Bill Plum. Mackey's web site is at http://www.airmailpostage.com/, but it doesn't appear to have been updated since May 2015. I haven't found a web site for Plum, but his e-mail address is plumdx@msn.com.
I have not used either service. Plum gets excellent reviews on eham.net.

Dave ND3K

On 12/27/2016 3:53 PM, Karl Schwab via TenTec wrote:
IRC's expire and can not be redeemed for cash.  Us DX-ers now us the ARRL LOTW 
and electronic QSL-ing.
73, Karl, KO8S

     On Tuesday, December 27, 2016 2:59 PM, Richard Knox via TenTec 
<tentec@contesting.com> wrote:
TenTec Fans,

Over the years I have made numerous overseas contacts with my various TenTec 
rigs:  Century 21; Century 22; Corsair II and Omni VI+.    However my stash of 
IRCs is rapidly diminishing.

So recently I went to the Post Office to purchase some more IRCs.  I was 
surprised that the USPS no longer provides these.  And hasn't for several years.

If anyone on the list has any IRCs they would be willing to sell me, please 
contact me off the list.

My contact info is KnoxCOLatAOL.com

I hope everyone is having a most Merry Christmas Season and Happy Holidays!

73!  de KD4BRL  Dick

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