My cousin has the same sign hanging in his pub in Gatlinburg.
Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
-----Original Message-----
From: G Reichow <>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <>
Cc: k8mp <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 1, 2018 06:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT: Useful Information
<div id="AOLMsgPart_2_86ecc80e-e521-4e9f-9e13-5fa4ad592439">
<div class="aolReplacedBody"><div dir="ltr">
Lots of help can be had when FREE BEER is offered up. There is a bar in
McGregor, MN that posts a sign 'Free beer tomorrow'
Gary - KN0V
</div><div class="aolmail_gmail_extra">
<div class="aolmail_gmail_quote">On Sun, Apr 1, 2018 at 12:15 PM, Joe Papworth
via TenTec <span dir="ltr"><<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
href="";></a>></span> wrote:
<blockquote class="aolmail_gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0
.8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Thought so.
The reflector made it almost impossible to read. Oh well...
<span class="aolmail_im aolmail_HOEnZb">
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Papworth via TenTec <<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
To: tentec <<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
Cc: k8mp <<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
Sent: Sun, Apr 1, 2018 1:11 pm
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT: Useful Information
</span><div class="aolmail_HOEnZb"><div class="aolmail_h5">Touché.... (I hope
the reflector doesn't discombobulate the paragraph formatting) NRA Proposes
“Million Ham March” Oldham, Connecticut - The NRA (National Radio Association)
has proposed a march on Washington by some one-million amateur radio operators
to protest what they refer to as the “Abuse of a wonderful human resource.” An
NRA spokesperson, who asked to remain anonymous, said that repeated requests
for immediate action on pending federal legislation have gotten nowhere and
that a “Call to Action” is now needed. The bill, apparently stalled on Capitol
Hill, would allow U.S. amateur operators to use the privileges they have
already earned by obtaining federally issued licenses. “We are simply asking
for congress to ensure that we are permitted to do what the FCC has already
licensed us to do” the NRA rep said. The group faces stiff opposition from
local governments and home-owners associations around the country who do not
want outdoor antennas cropping up in their localities and neighborhoods. “What
would be next, tomato plants and dog runs in people’s yards?” asked an attorney
from NML. The firm represents many HOA’s that have banded together and they
threaten a class-action lawsuit if legislation favorable to the NRA’s demands
is passed. NML is seeking the participation of additional HOA’s and localities
to strengthen their position.Interested parties can contact them at <a
rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"
href="";></a>. The NRA has put its
fate in the fed’s hands. “One of the FCC’s stated purposes for the amateur
service is ‘The promotion of international goodwill.’ We cannot fulfil that
lofty goal without adequate antennas installed at the amateur’s homes. The time
has come for congress to stand with us by enforcing existing federal statutes.”
Opponents of the NRA have questioned the group’s ability to even muster
one-million radio amateurs, also known as “Ham” operators. “We really don’t
think there are that many around”, they said. “There are currently well over
700,000 licensed amateurs in the U.S.” said the NRA spokesperson. “We have
planned an all-out recruiting blitz to push us over the one-million mark before
the protest takes place.” One potential source of new licensees is the
so-called sanctuary cities. “Illegals in those cities have demonstrated an
uncanny ability to obtain falsified government documents of all kinds. While we
don’t condone such practices, we intend to take full advantage of them.” said
the NRA. Some amateurs have grown impatient with the NRA and congress. “We are
tired of waiting for something good to happen” said one Ham. “Many of us have
spent thousands of dollars on equipment that we can’t even use.” Small
demonstrations have already occurred in some locations One group, calling
itself “The RadioActivists”, allegedly disrupted cell phone communications in
their area by jamming the frequencies of one local cell carrier. “They are not
licensed to transmit on our frequencies and they know it”, said a company
spokesman. “But unless the FCC catches them in the act, there is nothing they
can do.” A RadioActivist spokesman refused to comment. In another city,
amateurs clashed with authorities at the home of a newly-licensed Ham as they
assisted him in installing his first antenna. Carrying signs that said “SHACK
LIVES MATTER”, they formed a human wall around him as he dug a hole for his
radio tower. The situation escalated for a time as some of the Hams apparently
threw dirt clods in the direction of a sheriff’s deputy. “No Way” said one of
the amateurs. “We were simply tossing the dirt from the tower hole onto a pile.
It’s gotta go somewhere, right? Besides, I grew up with that rent-a-cop and
he’s an idiot.” Some citizens are concerned about the levels of radiation that
the Ham antennas could emit. “I don’t want my kids exposed to that stuff” said
one man. “Besides, it might cause interference with the games they play on
their smart phones with their friends. It’s a good way for them to occupy
themselves while the wife and I are busy with other things.” Uncertainty about
where this will all lead is causing legislators to be mum about it. “No one up
there will even talk to us” said the NRA spokesperson. “It’s a shame it has
come to this but we feel that a march is the only way to raise the public’s
awareness of the situation. It seems that every group in America has their own
month to get everyone’s attention. Last month everybody focused on breasts. Our
month is coming soon.” -----Original Message----- From: Rick <<a
target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
href="";></a>> To: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec
Equipment' <<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
href="";></a>> Sent: Sun, Apr
1, 2018 6:06 am Subject: [TenTec] OT: Useful Information Hi Guys and Gals, I
took advantage of the Easter Holiday to do some work on my web site. Here are a
few pages that might interest you: * New RF Choke Design: Maxwell House RF
Choke <<a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"
* Cutting Edge Antennas <<a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"
* New Armstrong Rotor <<a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"
* New 23cm Spiderbeam Yagi <<a rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"
Some of you may find this information useful. 73, and Happy Easter Rick, DJ0IP
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