All external connectors and cables are OKThe PA is not drawing current in
XMIT.Tnx,JimSent from my Galaxy TabĀ® A
-------- Original message --------From: Barry Simpson <>
Date: 9/29/20 10:12 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
<> Cc: jbrannig <> Subject: Re:
[TenTec] OMNI VI plus I have seen the various replies to your request for help
but I think weneed a bit more information from you.You say that there is no RF
out on transmit. Is the PA actually drawingsome current on transmit ?If so, and
given the sudden nature of the problem affecting receive andtransmit, I would
suspect that it is something external to the rig.Something very simple such as
the failure of the PL259 plug in the antennasocket of the rig - either not
making proper contact or the centreconductor of the co-ax has broken.Have you
considered and investigated an external cause ?Barry Simpson VK2BJOn Wed, 30
Sep 2020 at 09:37, jbrannig via TenTec <>wrote:> My OMNI
died suddenly.No signals on receive and no RF out on> transmitEverything else
functions as frequency read out, audio> noise, bandchange...Any
ideas on where to start looking?Tnx es 73JimSent> from my Galaxy TabĀ® A> null>
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