Greetings to all. I have web-posted John Bryant's
excellent write-up of the "Kaz antenna" which
was developed by renowned medium wave DXer
Neil Kazaross. It is a "squashed delta" variant
of the K6SE delta, a broadband terminated loop
somewhat akin to the Pennant, Flag, K9AY, and
Ewe receiving antenna designs used widely by
many radio amateurs and by a large number of
elite medium wave (AM broadcast band) DXers
who specialize in hearing foreign stations.
The article is available in Adobe Acrobat
PDF format at the following URL:
""; .
A segment of John's message inserted after mine
here explains things a bit more.
Enjoy !
Mark Connelly, WA1ION - Billerica, MA, USA
From: "John Bryant" <>
Subject: New Antenna Article
Here is another article, this one testing the "KAZ" series of antennas
which Neil Kazaross and I have been working on for the past 6 weeks or so.
The KAZ (my name for it, not Neil's) was developed by Neil, using EZNEC
antenna modeling software and building on the work of K6SE in developing a
series of Flag and Pennant antennas. All of K6SE's were optimized for 160
meters. Neil's contribution was in changing K6SE's classic equilateral
delta shape to a "squashed delta" with an aspect ratio of 1 to 4. This
odd shape gives much better F/B ratios at the arrival angles typical of
medium wave than does the classic equilateral delta. Neil (and my) first
model, the "KAZ" is only 10' high x 40' wide and does a VERY good job. Neil
went that small to try to develop a design for a typical urban situation
and one that might even be erected in some attics or on some roof tops. The
"Super KAZ" is 28' x 112'.
These antennas are much cheaper and easier to build than the K9AYs and can
be made for under US $10, if you wind your own toroid-based impedance
transformer. Unlike most of my articles, its OK to put this one directly on
the web Because of the low cost and the fact that the antenna, unlike the
EWE and K9AY are independent of ground, I think that many MW DXers will be
quite interested. Please feel free to use this article in any venue!
I plan a "quick and dirty" small article on winding your own toroidal-based
impedance matchers to be a follow-on to this article. That piece should be
along in a week or so.
John Bryant
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