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Re: Topband: NA sunset opening

To: Topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: NA sunset opening
From: Greg - ZL3IX <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 06:00:14 +1300
List-post: <">>
Lennart wrote:
> G'day all,
> Turned on my K3 just to check condx around 00.00 z (that is 0100 local) and 
> much to my surprise the band was wide open to NA with several eastcoast 
> stations way over S9. A few min's later the northern part of NA westcoast 
> started rolling in, strongest was Jim W7ZQ , 599 on my TX vertical but N6TR 
> and VE7UZ had good signals, best on my tiny rx 4 square. That must have been 
> just around westcoast SS. Later on some W5's had good signals but SM7BIC went 
> zzz.
> 160 has almost turned into 24/7/365 hobby!
> 73
> Len
Hi Len,

Well I'm glad you guys are having fun.  I've just returned inside from 
the shack, having sat through 30 minutes pre-sunrise without hearing a 
single signal on the band, except for the ZL digi at 20 over, of 
course.  All the indicators are right - very stable ionosphere, with Au 
index=1 and solar wind with low speed and density.  The gods of 
propagation haven't read the book though!

73, Greg, ZL3IX
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