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Re: Topband: Genius I tells ya, pure Genius

Subject: Re: Topband: Genius I tells ya, pure Genius
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2013 00:12:14 +0000 (UTC)
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On 2013-02-12, at 9:37 PM, Gary Smith wrote: 

> Calling DX on your dummy load means there are two dummys in the 
> shack... 

In 73 I moved into an appartment that myself and WA3UEV shared. The appartment 
was of course owned by another local ham WA3RBE.  Back in those days I had a 
Central electronics 20 and didnt have much money so I used to hook a 100w light 
bulb to the antenna to test the output.. works pretty well (not constant 
impedance however) and gives nice pretty indication when power is applied.. not 
very quantatative or qualitative however. One day I was 20m doing that and 
testing the transmitter while signing my call and low and behold a G3 called me 
back.  I nearly fell out of the chair because 20 watts didnt work G3's very 
often even with an antenna.... go figure.. I think I worked several more 
stations with that light bulb .. 


Long Live Seal Team VI 
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