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Re: Topband: Fixed capacitor source needed (150pf 5KV)

To: <>, "TopBand List" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Fixed capacitor source needed (150pf 5KV)
From: "Fortra" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 16:52:48 +0200
List-post: <">>
Hi Herb,

same thing happened to me, and i have used Russian
doorknob capacitors very close in value ( i think i have combined
100 and 47 pf ). Try dr.Alex website for those...

A friend of mine, replaced ALL of the PCB capacitors and since that time
on, no problems...
Of course, do not push more then 1500 to 2000 watts at big mismatches :)

It is my favourite tuner,

Gl Nermin S58DX

----- Original Message ----- From: "Herb Schoenbohm" <>
To: "TopBand List" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2013 4:45 PM
Subject: Topband: Fixed capacitor source needed (150pf 5KV)

I have a Drake MN2700 so I can at least get the amp to work above 1870Khz during contests. The tuner used some fixed flat 150pf 5KV capacitors to switch in from the front selector as increased capacity is need to make the tuner work. I can't find any door knob substitutes at that value in my junk box. I am thus looking for a source for these values but so far have not found anything that I can use as a substitute. I presume I could make some out of sections of RG-8 mini roller up in a coIl but before I try this I am searching for a door knob source. I have some 500pf at 5KV and three of them in series might be close enough but i still need the correct values. If any reader to this knows of other ATU manufactures that use the copper teflon flat capacitor in their units maybe could order 150 pf 5KV from them.

Your help on this would be appreciated.

Herb, KV4FZ
Topband Reflector

Topband Reflector

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