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Re: Topband: Well, Duh... (Apology re: ARRL160)

Subject: Re: Topband: Well, Duh... (Apology re: ARRL160)
From: Bill Cromwell <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 20:36:34 -0500
List-post: <">>
On 12/13/2013 08:03 PM, chetmoore wrote:
Hi Guy,

I do not know if I was in the window.  I was not looking as I too thought
there was no
Longer a DX window any more.


Chet moore  N4FX


There have been several discussions about "windows" (not software) right here on the list. I'm pretty new to top band and the info about windows is conflicted and vague. Some might be outdated or whatever. For my own operation I will avoid getting in the way if I hear a DX pileup or DXpedition. Unless of course I am trying to work the pileup. Even if I can't hear the DX I'll know where he is because of the one or two transmitting on his frequency. I'm usually more interested in ragchews and making mutual QRM for a DX hunt in progress won't make any of us happy.
As far as what the contest calls for as a DX window - well I can never 
keep them sorted out so I read through the rules each time. Otherwise I 
would always be doing something that doesn't fit. Every time I read the 
rules for a contest or sprint I have already been in I get surprised by 
details I had forgotten. I'm hardly even on the air right now anyway as 
I have to rebuild most of my ancient gear.
Just a couple of thoughts that might help.


Bill  KU8H

Sent by smoke signals from a firepit in my back yard and keyed with a mylar "Space Blanket"
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