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Re: Topband: The "Future" Of Ham Radio

Subject: Re: Topband: The "Future" Of Ham Radio
From: Steve London <>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2015 10:08:05 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 02/05/2015 09:45 AM, Wayne Kline wrote:

I my self enjoy the HUNT....  the listening  on the other VFO trying to guess 
what and how he is operating.. Some  OP's are predictable  some it's a crap 

but that the FUN IMHO....  My  .02 and then  some
And folks will have that same challenge and fun with RHR or other remote 
station provider.
Using a remote station, having the big hardware and right location in no 
way guarantees an easy QSO. I consider myself a pretty good operator 
using Wayne's techniques, and it still took over an hour to work K1N on 
160 the first night. But the real clincher is that another nearby 
operator, using an antenna with ~8 dB of gain over my shunt fed tower, 
never did work them that first night.
In all of this anti-RHR discussion, you are forgetting the role of the 
operator and skill.
Steve, N2IC
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