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Re: Topband: Yikes

Subject: Re: Topband: Yikes
From: Charles Otnott <>
Reply-to: Charles Otnott <>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 12:01:19 -0600 (GMT-06:00)
List-post: <">>

73 & Best DX


See September 2006 CQ Magazine for a published work.
Fellow Static Crash Lovers,

Ham Radio is a hobby of learning, leading, and inspiration.

We learn, mostly through Mentors, clubs, and other like-minded
individuals who share a love for this hobby.

We, as Mentors, inspire others to challenge themselves to be
better in the aspects of the hobby that interest the Newbee.

We inspire young people to enter the hobby to learn about
subjects like geography, the often quoted NASA core subjects
called "STEM", politics, tolerance for others, and the list
goes on.

At my DX clubs annual DX Dinner this past December, Bob, K4UEE,
gave a presentation on FT5ZM. After the presentation, he talked
about the upcoming K1N operation. With his hat in his hand, his
team was presented a donation from our club for K1N. A youngster
of 11 years old, club member, DXCC holder, KF5NYQ, approached
Bob and handed him his amplifier savings fund. Young Brandon refused
to take the donation back. He stated that having the opportunity
to work a rare ATNO was worth the donation. He would try to work
them without an amplifier. Bob brought the story to the K1N team
and they were so impressed with Brandon, they asked him to be the
team's youth pilot. We always tell Brandon that school comes first.

Myself and other DX club members are proud to be counted in the
ranks of this young DXCC member's Mentors. Check out the following
web site if you do not believe in the power of Mentors...

If donating his entire amplifier fund is worth the cost of ATNO
is worth so much to Brandon, then $6 is pocket change for most
of us. Let Brandon be an inspiration to all. Forgo the beer,
cigarettes, fast food fat fest, soda, or other vice you may have
once a month and you will be surprised how quickly $6 can add up.

73 & Best DX


See September 2006 CQ Magazine for a published work.

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