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Re: Topband: 1/2 wl verticals and spaving

To: Carl Braun <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: 1/2 wl verticals and spaving
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2015 11:01:32 -0800
List-post: <">>
On 11/28/2015 6:23 AM, Carl Braun wrote:

Any suggestions or websites available on ½ wl spacing and ½ wl radiators?

Carl AG6X

I did some modeling of this a long time ago.  Basically, the
issue is that if you feed the 1/2 wave verticals at the base,
you need to have a *voltage* forcing feed, rather than the
usual current forcing feed used for 1/4 wave verticals.
This is tough to do if you need a 90 degree phase shift as
in a 4 square.  However, you are in luck because you only
need a 0 degree or 180 degree phase shift.  As long as
your array is physically symmetrical, any symmetrical feed
network will give the right phasing.  I suggest a simple
T junction (in coax) with 1/2 wave lines to the verticals.
Make one of them 3/2 wave for 180 degree phasing.
The impedance at this point may be too high for an off
the shelf transmatch, so you might have to roll your own.

Rick N6RK
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