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Re: Topband: Topband V84SAA and ARRL Contest

Subject: Re: Topband: Topband V84SAA and ARRL Contest
From: Wes <>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 08:58:55 -0700
List-post: <>
Exactly!  "So nice to hear you again today (insert WC top 10 most wanted here), I think you're even stronger today than when we talked last week."
Wes  N7WS

ps.  I did work V84SAA on both 80 and 160 this morning in the contest...but...I waited until after my SR so prop for the east was over.
On 2/15/2019 4:44 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
Many of us in the West listen to the East coast guys work DX for the upteenth time when we get openings toward EU/AF  Nice to work you for the 3rd time this season..............Thanks for not letting someone else work them, but for many I think that is the point.
What if I am in the contest?   I get your point but the door swings many ways.


On 2/15/2019 9:48 AM, Roger Parsons via Topband wrote:
May I politely ask that people do not make duplicate contacts with V84SAA even in the contest. There are many of us for whom this is a marginal path, and even a quick contest QSO could be enough to prevent our 'new country' counter.
73 RogerVE3ZI
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