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Re: Topband: Furnace RFI

Subject: Re: Topband: Furnace RFI
From: Artek Manuals <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2019 21:58:21 -0400
List-post: <>
Mark, Bill et all
If you Google "Furnace Fan RFI" you will find a host of information on how to cure rfi from variable speed AC ( & HEATING) blower fans. Turns out that the fans in fact meet the FCC specs but at the level we operate at they can wipe out the 500hz segments every 18-25khz. The manufacturer  of the fans which are used by 75% of Central A/C guys actually has a RFI kit that can be purchased and installed ONLY BY A LICENSED A/C Contractor. If it were me I would dicker with whoever you buy your unit from that it must have this fan RFI kit installed in advance or they don't get the business. The details are in several of the google articles.


On 10/3/2019 6:46 PM, Bill Stewart wrote:
Mark, we have a York gas pack (a/c and propane heat)(abt 4 yrs old).
When in the a/c mode and the outside exhaust fan comes on, I hear a spurious 
every 25kc or so from lf thru six meters. There may be a way to fix it...
some kind of filtering maybe, but I don't want to mess with it. GL on
finding something quiet....73 de Bill K4JYS helpful thing is to keep the t-stat up high so it won't run as much.
Saves on the electric bill too.....hi.

----- Original Message -----
From: "lmlangenfeld" <>
To: "topband" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2019 5:22:31 PM
Subject: Topband: Furnace RFI

We are in the market for a new high-efficiency furnace, and I note that many (if not 
most) of the current models use variable-speed DC blower motors.  I am concerned 
about the potential for RFI from the speed controllers, and wonder if any list members 
have any recommendations or recent experience (good or bad) with such units.Tnx es 
73,Mark -- WA9ETWSent from my U.S. Cellular® Smartphone
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