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Re: Topband: Poor 160m DX Propagation

Subject: Re: Topband: Poor 160m DX Propagation
From: David Raymond <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 12:31:44 -0500
List-post: <>
As we've said before, many of us in NA are fighting not just QRN but significant attacks from lightning.  There a lot of us that are essentially shut down for the season, my self included  (four square elements are now grounded and the 8 circle is decommissioned).  I'm still QRV somewhat with a 1/4 wave sloping vertical with elevated radials but deaf as a post much of the time.
73. . . Dave, W0FLS

On 4/20/2022 11:11 AM, Henk Remijn PA5KT via Topband wrote:

Op 20-4-2022 om 11:51 schreef Roger Kennedy:
Propagation on 160m between this part of Europe and North America seems to
have been really
poor for several weeks now . . .

RBN reports from across the pond are typically 20dB down on normal most of
the time . . . and hear very few NA stations on the band.

Not sure why that is . . .

Roger G3YRO

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