My comments on the state of 160m. First let me say I am old enough to
have experienced, Loran C with power limitations, LA police KMA367 on
1730, fish boats, buoy markers, Spy Trawlers sending code groups, Long
delayed echoes, OHR, local DX chats on 1845-50 SSB, QSO’s with W1BB,
K6SE, VS6DO, ZL2BT , JA7AO and many others that are were legends in
their day and now are in higher places.
I also had the opportunity to make thousands of contacts on 160m during
solar cycle 23 minimum 2005-2009 which for me was the ultimate hay day
of 160m. Experiencing new countries and new stations every evening on Cw
with 100W was truly an amazing event.
Whilst attending some Dayton contest forums this year some information
was brought to light. A prominent DX-pedition group member commented
that FT8 comprised 37% of the QSOs. For somebody like myself looking for
a more traditional achievement award of merit like WAZ on 160m CW it has
become virtually impossible in a life time.
Most recently I have witnessed the devastating effects of the high costs
of DX-peditons and limited operating times to juggle various modes. A
very skilled and talented group went to 8Q7 in Maldives. Late in their
operations they did go to CW mode on 160. They called CQ for about 5-10
minutes at my sunrise. I’m sure they were looking at RBN responses of
which there are few in Asia worth a damn and went quiet only to show up
on FT8 after my sunrise morning peak. It didn’t matter I had Q5 copy and
had to switch antennas, turn amplifier on and try to make it through the
Asian chatter. This I might point out happened not once but twice. Did I
mention from out west this is a 10 minute window 11,000 miles away. Only
one western station VE6WZ worked them as a result of a spot I posted.
I don’t hate FT8 but It’s not my focus. It is very useful due to the
shear numbers of operators and PSK Reporter for determining propagation.
Alone it has had a profound impact on the HF bands some of which has
been good and many cases not so. A good CW operator can easily copy -18
dB SN station. Perhaps C6AGU’s "Rig In a Box" will help by cutting
DX-pedition costs and allow operators to be in comfort spending more
time on air operating rather than fiddling around with all needed
accessories and beat many of the environmental regulations.
Bob W7RH
If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say
the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. George Carlin
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