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Re: Topband: Fine sigs from George, FO/AA7JV on 80 cw this morning

Subject: Re: Topband: Fine sigs from George, FO/AA7JV on 80 cw this morning
From: Wes <>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2023 10:31:50 -0700
List-post: <>
I heard him on 160 a few days ago but had dropped the loading wire on the inverted-l and was turning it into a Plan B, 80 meter vertical.  His appearance on 160 got me to reinstall it.
Then for the last few days either he quit too soon, or nothing but noise, so 
yesterday I went back to Plan B.  At about 1200Z today I heard him on 80 and was 
about to call when he announced a QSY to 160.  I heard his first CQ.  He was Q5 
but I'm without an antenna.
Fortunately, FO isn't a new one, but it would have been nice to work him.

Wes  N7WS

 On 4/4/2023 10:09 AM, wrote:
I looked for George for the 3rd straight day on 160, but no copy.
However there he was on 3527.5 at 1107z, with a very nice 579 sig and
I quickly put him in the log. Well after my sunrise hr in Ohio I saw
spots for him on 160 cw from several West Coast US stations.

Havent heard a dx station on 160 at my SR for at least three days now,
but had some nice short contacts with assorted VK's on 40 and 20 ssb
around 1130z. Pulled 9U5RU out of the noise on 10m ssb shortly
thereafter, so some sigs have been there for the taking.

The VKs on 20 ssb were 5 S units stronger on the LP when I first
contacted them, but at the end of the qso they were just 2 S units
stronger LP. Wonder what else was coming through that I may have

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