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Re: Topband: VK/ZLs in the CQWW CW 160?

Subject: Re: Topband: VK/ZLs in the CQWW CW 160?
From: Steve Harrison <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2024 09:28:05 -0800
List-post: <>
It just occurred to me: one reason many of us didn't find the VKs/ZLs would be because we were running unassisted, and so weren't aware of where they were nor whether they or we were being spotted. While tuning around sporadically, I kept running across LOUD HL5IVL and I never heard him being called by anybody else; made me wonder whether he ever was spotted, or nobody else was tuning around. I ran across him, XV9DL, and XV9T while tuning around looking for a DU or XU, or even North or South Dakota (my last-needed state-multipliers) 8-)
Steve, K0XP

On 1/29/2024 8:48 AM, Michael Tope wrote:
ZL3IO spotted me Saturday night (Sunday UTC) at 0728 UTC, but I never heard him call me. If he did call me, it could be that I had my SAL-30 pointed NE at the time. It doesn't have the greatest RDF, but it does have a really high F/B. After I saw the spot, I listened to the SW, but I didn't hear anything.
73, Mike W4EF.............

On 1/29/2024 7:19 AM, Tree wrote:
"Didn't hear any VKs or ZLs during the contest; were any of you on??"

There were - but sometimes, they go to bed after listening to summer time
QRN and aren't on the band during the best time for the West Coast.

Sometimes, you are more likely to work a VK6 than a ZL or VK3 since the
times line up better.

VK2GR made 57 QSOs, mostly Europe.  He worked a handful of stateside
stations, but pulled the plug at 1028, which is way too early for optimum
propagation to the West Coast.

VK2PW made about 21 QSOs, mostly Europeans, a few Asians and no stateside
QSOs (was active around noon your local time).

VK3IO was also active, only working ZL3IO during the time it was dark on
the West Coast - and working about 20 Europeans.

You might remember VK6GX was only able to work one station in the recent
Stew Perry.  This was right at my sunrise.

ZL3IO made 38 QSOs and reports in his soapbox that this must have been one
of the worst CQ 160 contests ever.  He did manage to work 13 stateside
stations, but only ND7K and NA7TB on the west coast.  He was QRT by 1148

It's a tough band down under in the middle of summer.  I have spent many an hour trying to hear a VK who is working the East coast.  After sunrise in
the midwest, there is a whole swath of the country without much activity
and it gets - dare I say - boring waiting for the sunrise on the west
coast.  It's late - they are tired and time to go to bed so they can get up
for the morning sunrise opening to Europe, which is often more reliable.

Tree N6TR

On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 6:15 AM Steve Harrison <> wrote:

Didn't hear any VKs or ZLs during the contest; were any of you on??
There was a decent opening toward SE Asia Sunday (Monday, your time, I
suppose) morning with lots of JAs, a very strong HL5IVL plus a few DSes,
a few middling-strength BYs (none workable), half a dozen YB/YCs plus
7D1C on Sunday morn your time, XVs both mornings; but no VK/ZLs  8-(

Steve, K0XP

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