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Re: Topband: TT8XX QSL Help

To: "" <>, Steve Harrison <>
Subject: Re: Topband: TT8XX QSL Help
From: Don Greenbaum <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:51:05 -0400
List-post: <>
So Steve, I guess you never worked any of those hundreds of DXpeditions on CW that the foundations did sponsor?
I hate to tell you, but Glorioso is very rare, most of those who DO 
contribute to NCDXF and INDEXA need it.  Besides, most of the QSOs made by 
most dxpeditions today on top band are not on CW.  Sad but true.
NCDXF Treasurer
CWops #2

At 07:07 PM 4/26/2024, Wes Stewart via Topband wrote:
<> wrote: [snip] BUT.... I do draw the line at contributing to a DXpedition, like the present Glorioso one, that states outright they do NOT intend to operate any CW. That just rubs me entirely the wrong way, not to mention the fact that I will never be able to work and count them, regardless of how INDEXA or the NCDXF feel about such mode restrictions, and is the reason I cannot, and will not, fully support either of those organizations. Would I feel the same way if they said, instead, that they will not operate any digital, or even voice, but only CW?? No, of course not; that's fair game, to me, since my only interest is CW, and who needs those other modes?? 8-D Steve, K0XP _________________ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector _________________ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
Duxbury, MA 02332

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