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Re: Topband: NCC-2 NCC-1

Subject: Re: Topband: NCC-2 NCC-1
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:38:09 -0800
List-post: <>
On 12/23/2024 6:07 AM, Andree DL8LAS via Topband wrote:
Hey,do any of you use an NCC-2 or NCC-1 for antenna phasing or noise reduction?

Hi Andy,

I own two NCC-1 units (the second is a spare). It is my understanding that the NCC-2 differs only in the switching, providing for the main TX antenna to be used as one of the antennas. The phase shift it provides is most effective below 40M.

I made extensive measurements of my first NCC-1 as part of the research for my applications note on phasing a pair of VE3DO loops. It's on my website, I have a pair of the loops spaced 5/8 wave, aimed to EU, my most difficult direction, and confirmed, listening to the known headings to various stations, that it worked exactly as careful EZNEC modeling predicted.

Usefulness for noise cancellation is much trickier, depending entirely on the number of sources, their azimuth to you and antennas you can use for sensing and listening, and the physical breadth of the source. The whole practice of nulling a source is effective for a single azimuth heading at a time, and for sources whose radiating antennas (the wires connected to them) are small as a fraction of a wavelength. I've had little success with noise cancellation, thanks to the number and their azimuthal dispersion, but this is entirely dependent on our own individual situation.

BTW -- I had to measure the unit I bought to learn anything about it, and did that work in 2017. When I asked DXE a year or two earlier prior to purchase if it would be effective at 50 MHz, they didn't know.

73, Jim K9YC

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