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Topband: CQ WW 160

To: <>
Subject: Topband: CQ WW 160
From: "Roger Kennedy" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 22:36:59 -0000
List-post: <>
Oh I get what you're saying Jim . . . 

What I really meant is that I don't want to come on 160m at 3am, just to
work a load of Europeans (which I can work in the evening), when I have
really come on the band to try and work some DX ! (especially when a lot of
these stations only seem to come on 160 when there's a contest).

But funnily enough I actually just went on the band at 2100Z for the last
hour of the Contest, to give European stations some points.

I called CQ, and OMG, I couldn't believe the pileup ! I managed to work 154
stations in one hour . . . quite hard considering I use no computer
software, so even writing down the callsigns was really hard !

73 Roger G3YRO

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