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Re: Topband: 5V 3A Wall Wart Recommendations?

Subject: Re: Topband: 5V 3A Wall Wart Recommendations?
From: Bill Cromwell <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 08:09:12 -0500
List-post: <>
I just love these dim witted touch screens. Apparently I bumped the send icon 
before it's time. I was going to mention that I have had the pleasure of being 
in a QSO when the electric utility failed. My all-battery  station did not miss 
a beat:)

Of course, I do not charge the batteries that are in use. Conducted noise from 
the power lines ya know.


Bill  KU8H

> On Feb 18, 2025, at 8:00 AM, Bill Cromwell <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This must be the place for me to attach this thread. I started using 
> batteries to power my receivers with vacuum tubes in them. OYYY! That 
> eliminated conducted power line noise completely. It also eliminated annoying 
> frequency changes when the furnace blower or AC kicked on or off.
> More recently the computer hardware has been the sore spot. Once again, 
> batteries to the rescue. I have a very quiet mini PC. Just lucky I suppose. 
> It runs on 12 volts DC but so far I am using with an analog AC energized 
> power supply. I also have a small HDMI monitor that I power from a 12 volt 
> battery. The wall wart that came with it was horrendous! That thing now 
> resides in the landfill. the batteries I use now at full charge when fully 
> charged provide approximately 14 volts and quickly come down into the 13ish 
> volt range. It is possible to find quiet power banks for the "5 Volt" bits 
> but four NiCad cells in series give us 5ish volts and at full charge do not 
> exceed the manufacturer's published specs for maximum power supply voltage. 
>>> On Feb 18, 2025, at 4:44 AM, Jim Brown <> wrote:
>> On 2/17/2025 10:24 PM, Steve Harrison wrote:
>>> Only those that use a switcher for the regulator.
>> Exactly, which I assumed Joe and others were smart enough to pick up from my 
>> reference. :)  Thanks for filling that in.
>>> An oscilloscope is often a big
>>> help to find and suppress a noisy regulator chip.
>> As are battery-operated receivers.
>> 73, Jim K9YC
>> _________________
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