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[TowerTalk] Solar Flux ought to remain High

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Solar Flux ought to remain High
From: (Jim Reid)
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 11:46:06 -1000
Penticton 2000 UTC, 2800 MHz Solar Flux= 154.1 !!

At 2100 UTC,  planetary A=4,  k=1.

Disturbance from early yesterdays "disappearing" erupting filament
is now estimated as "only" 40% probable,  and in any case,
probably only an active geomag field could result rather 
than major geomag disturbance.

Point of interest,  STD reports that that M-class flare yesterday,
which occurred while the Solar Flux level was about 145 sfu,
for the several minutes the flare was erupting increased
the flux input to the ionosphere up to  35,000 solar flux
units!!  Wonder what DX'ing would be like if that were
maintained for a day or so??

BTW,  lots of interesting CW signals from about the world
workable here in KH6 land this morning on 30 up 
through 10 meters.  Lots of signals from South America
on 10 now,  2145.

Region  8293,  the large one with 37 spots, is now
 just to the West  of the Sun's central meridian (this
is the one where many big flares have been occurring,  including,
maybe the big Class M one about 1718 UTC today,  and one
in progress right now, 2115 UTC.  This area will remain in
position for at least the next 5 to 7 days before it rotates so
far to the West that it's influence will begin to drop much,  unless
of course it unwinds,  and calms down from all its' magnetic

Other quite active region,  with about 10 active spots,  is
region 8299,  in the NE quadrant on the Sun. This region
ought to continue pumping x-rays toward the earth for
the next 12 or 13 days (takes 17 days,  about,  for
these regions to cross from appearance at the
East limb,  to disappearance at the West limb of
the Sun).

As long as these regions keep generating flares,  the flux
input to the ionosphere should remain high;  thus the flux
will stay as high as it is now,  or perhaps even increase.
At least,  for now,  this persistence is more probable  than
a drop back under 140,  but we really will just have to
wait and see,  hi.

V73UX calling CQ right now on 24945.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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