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[TowerTalk] MFJ 259 accuracy??

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] MFJ 259 accuracy??
From: (Michael Brown)
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:35:58 -0500
Hi Will
I've used a MFJ 259 on our club's 160/80/40 inverted vee and
seemed like it was fairly accurate on 160.

73, Mike K9MI

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Sunday, October 25, 1998 8:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: [TowerTalk] MFJ 259 accuracy??
> I have a question about the low frequency accuracy of the MFJ 259 antenna
> analyzer. I spent CQWW weekend doing some antenna work while
> KS4XG did a 15m
> SOSB effort from here. Since the station was in use, I used my
> MFJ box to do
> the testing on a 160m inverted vee I was building. I spent most of an
> afternoon doing the up/down clip/add, etc. number and could never
> really get
> the antenna in the ballpark according to the 259. The best I got
> was a 2.5:1
> SWR dip at 1810 with the Z reading 125 ohms. The bandwidth was extremely
> narrow. It went off scale on both sides within 20 Khz. I finally
> gave up on
> the antenna, thinking there must be a bad connection or bad coax run.
> After the contest was over, I had a chance to look at this antenna in the
> shack. Two Autek WM1 wattmeters and the internal wattmeters in an
> FT990 and
> IC736 showed the antenna to be quite resonant! The SWR curve
> looked reasonable
> for an inv. vee with a 1:1 dip at 1830 and about 100 Khz bandwidth. I now
> suspect that I wasted my time all afternoon - the antenna was
> probably fine as
> originally installed. I was just being fooled by problems in the MFJ 259.
> I haven't had the 259 very long, but until now it seemed to track quite
> accurately with my other meters. I looked at some other antennas with it
> today, and everything looked fine. It's just this 160 inv. vee
> that it can't
> deal with.
> Has anybody had any similar problems with their 259s ??
> 73,
> Will AA4NC / W4MR
> --
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