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Fwd: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower grounds near Underground Utilities?

To: <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower grounds near Underground Utilities?
From: (Eric Gustafson)
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 16:03:26 -0700
Hi Bruce,

Yes, the IEEE std is a good resource - one of the best.  And I
might as well take this opportunity to (one more time) point to a
very exhaustive resource that includes references to all the
pertinent standards as well as understandable explanatory
information about the "why" of everything involving lightning
protection and grounding issues.

Anyone interested in understanding lightning protection and
grounding systems should get themselves a copy of MIL-HDBK-419A.
This is without a doubt the best single reference source that I
have ever seen on this subject.

BTW, the NFPA document is now called NFPA 780.  Here is the URL
to the spot on the NFPA site where this reference can be

You will have to follow the links in this order:

1.  On Line catalog

2.  Codes and Standards

3.  NFPA 780: Standard for the Installation of Lightning
    Protection Systems, 1997 Edition

73, Eric  N7CL

To: <>
>Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 17:06:36 -0500
>From: (Bruce Lallathin)
>>  Please consult the Lightning Protection Code
>> >(NFPA-78 and later versions) for information about how to
>> >properly bond the system together and tie it into earth.
>> >
>> >73, Eric  N7CL
>> the IEEE EMERALD book. This is the definitive text on Powering
>> and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment. IEEE Std
>> 110-1992.
>Email is terrific, but when you blunder and hit the send button
>it is a real pain.
>In addition to the IEEE Emerald book there is another even more
>helpful text, which deals more directly with your
>questions. This other book is the one I meant to refer you
>too....unfortuantely I loaned it out and can't quote the title
>correctly at this moment. I'll have to stop by my office and get
>that info. I will forward it to you the reflector asap.
>(the one hiding in the corner with the red face...) 
>> 73,
>> Bruce  (AA8U)
>> Sr. Power Quality Specialist 
>> Consumers Energy

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