I spliced a long run of 3/4" CATV hardline once. I soldered the center
conductors using a small copper tube as a connector. I then insulated
it by using some of the insulation from a small scrap piece. For the
outer shield, I made a two piece shield, also out of scrap hardline.
This was clamped in place using hose clamps and then waterproofed.
The cable is clamped to my tower so that there's no stress on the
joint. This feeds a 220MHz and it appears to work well.
-----Original Message-----
From: Toõnno Vaähk
To: Towertalk@contesting.com
Sent: 5/10/2001 12:24 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] How to connect pieces of coax?
Is it a good idea to make a HF antenna feedline from several shorter
of coax by soldering or in any other way connecting them together
proper connectors?
Having RG 213 and LDF 4-50A in mind mostly. I have about 4-5 50 feet
of LDF 4-50A. What would be the best way to make one feedline out of
without using connectors? (hardline connectors very expensive and hard
How much do the specifications (attentuation, RF leakage, etc...) of the
cable deteoriate when soldered together from pieces?
Should the connections be shielded somehow??
What should I be mostly worried about when doing it?
I remember having read a comment about VE1ZZ doing it in some of the
messages previously...
thanks in advance for help,
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