On Wed, 16 May 2001 19:35:58 EDT K7LXC@aol.com writes:
> For many construction and engineering purposes, a wind is only
> worth considering when it reaches 70 MPH. And the TIA-222
> windspeeds are every 50 years occurrences.
> Cheers, Steve K7LXC
> Tower Tech
Hmmm...that must mean I have seen 100 years worth in my
20 years in the country / county :-)
One small tornado that took out dozens of my trees
(including a 75 year old Oak and 75 year old Beech)
with estimated 80 to 90 MPH winds and another event
with straight line winds described as 80 to 90 MPH
that broke previously damaged limbs from the tornado.
Towers and (beam) antennas all survived. Most wire
antennas lost to falling trees / branches.
That doesn't include the microburst that flipped and sank
a company boat named The SCI-Tanic on the Tennessee
River 20 miles south of me several years ago.
de Tom N4KG in the Tornado Alley of North Alabama
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