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[Towertalk] TH6DXX cleanup

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] TH6DXX cleanup
From: (
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 12:02:24 -0500
It took me quite a while to resolve all the problems that cropped up 
with my tower, as well as with the TH6DXX that developed a high swr. 
I would like to thank the group for clues about what might have 
caused the high swr in my TH6DXX, and for tips on how to replace the 

Here is what I did.

I removed all the traps, tapped them out of their aluminum covers, 
unscrewed every coil-to-element connection and cleaned it with steel 
wool. I put in a little oxidation-resisting compound at the 
connection and put the screws back. I also used the compound at the 
places where the element tubes slid back together. I purchased 
replacement coil and tubing end caps and put them in, and replaced 
the element insulators on the driven element.

When I put the TH6 back up, the swr was back to normal, acceptable 
everywhere on 10-15-20. 

Based on information from this group, I replaced the cables that 
raise the HG-52HD. They had to be custom-made, since Hy-Gain does not 
make them, although the folks there implied that they might come back 
into production in a year. I got them by mail from Voto 
Manufacturing, (814) 226-7101. Voto is in western PA, but I did not 
go there; the entire deal was done by phone and shipping. They now 
have done custom cables for an HG-75 and an HG-52. They made the 
smaller, upper cable, a bit long, by a few inches, but I think the 
tower raises to within six inches or less of its original full 

I did the cable replacement by tilting the tower over and resting it 
on a log, allowing the sections to slide for access to the screws. 
However, I still managed to get a screw in backwards, and it hung up 
on another section as I cranked the tower up. It is critical to 
replace the screws exactly as they came out. I was able to crank the 
tower up a bit to get access to the screw, then put a pipe through 
the sections to hold them in place, loosen the cables and remove and 
reverse the errant screw.

I thank the group for its guidance.

Jan Ditzian

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