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[TowerTalk] Re: What is the largest 20mtr monobander you have everseen?

Subject: [TowerTalk] Re: What is the largest 20mtr monobander you have everseen?
From: Jan Erik Holm <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 16:56:09 +0100
List-post: <>
Yes the array was big but each individual antenna was no
big deal, we are talking about single Yagis.
I´m not sure if Frank ever got the third bay of antennas
ever connected, used to talk to him all the time but as
far as I remember he always ran 24 elements, however
Simon OH8OS ran six 6 el Yagis to make a 36 el array.

73 Jim SM2EKM

Joe Giacobello wrote:
How about W6KPC's 12X12X12 pictured on the cover of QST around 1981. Frank's still QRV but with a much more modest antenna.

73, Joe

Bill Turner wrote:

There was one in QST some time ago that had the elements mounted on
poles and seemingly went on forever.

But perhaps you meant a *rotatable* monobander?


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