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Re: [TowerTalk] Securing the cables to the tower?

To: "towertalk reflector" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Securing the cables to the tower?
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 08:31:22 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <>
i'm sure you'll get lots of fancy arrangements with tie wraps, cover them
with tape, chinese finger traps, loops of copper wire, etc.  just buy some
cheap electrical tape (not scotch, get store brand stuff).  and wrap it
around in a nice thick layer to hold the cables to the OUTSIDE of the
tower legs, don't put them inside, that just makes more work later.  its
cheap, doesn't crimp coax, easy to cut off and replace when you change
cables.  yes, you will change cables, or add or remove them, everyone does
eventually!  i have never had it there long enough to fail.  just one
thing to keep in mind, when you add a new cable resist the tempation to
just tape it over the old layers, take off the old tape and replace it
when you add something new or it just gets harder to take off later when
there are multiple layers going between cables.

> What are people using to secure their feeders and other cables to the
tower and at what interval(s)? I'm expecting to have two (maybe three,
if I put a VHF/UHF beam up as well) runs of coax, plus 4-conductor
rotator cable, plus the control cables for the SteppIR and the Icom AH-4
tuner. The tower will be an AN Wireless -- with 60-degree angle legs, so
I'm thinking of tucking the cables into that angle as far as possible.
Would the black (UV-resistant) cable ties work, if I can get long enough
> Alan NV8A
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