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Re: [TowerTalk] HF Vertical Opinions NEEDED...

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HF Vertical Opinions NEEDED...
From: "K8RI on TowerTalk" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 16:23:59 -0500
List-post: <>

> Howdy all...
> I am going to be relocating to a new QTH and was looking at getting a  new 
> multiband vertical.  I would like to have something that would be for 40 - 
> 15 meters.   I know there are lots of options out there, but just not sure 
> which ones are really worth the money.  I have been steering more thowards 
> the Hy-Gain.  Any help or opinions would greatly be appreciated.

I can't really recommend one over another but my experience with the Hy Gain 
AV640 (Partiot) has been less than stellar. I will hasten to add that the 
performance could easily be my installation.

I have the AV640 mounted on top of a 32 foot Aluminum tower at the west end 
of the shop.  The shop is all metal and the yard (one square acre) is 
surrounded by tall trees so I didn't figure I had much in the way of 
mounting options.

Matching was not a big problem but tuning requires care as "a little goes a 
long ways" when it comes to pruning the band adjustments. The antenna meets 
or exceeds the band width on all bads "as far as SWR is concerned".  Where 
it exceedes it is not by much in the way of band width, but so far that was 
a good sign.

The antenna appears to work very well on 40 and as well as could be expected 
as a straight vertical on six meters which aint bad when the band opens. 
Certainly it's a long way from the 7-L at 115 feet but that is to be 
expected. I've worked a few countries on 40 and caught a few short openings 
on six which let me work the East, West, and Gulf coasts as well as a few 
spots in between.

Unfortunately it acts like a dummy load on 20.  It matches up well, the band 
width is about the same as shown on the charts, but it hears very little 
while a wire antenna or the beam will show the band to be alive. Nor have I 
been able to get an answer to any call.  It appears to hear "OK" on 10 and 
15, but I've not caught any band openings while working out in the shop.

Maybe I'll get a chance to try it ground mounted in the middle of the back 
yard some time in the near future and see how that works.

It isn't much but I hope it's of use.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2 (Use return address from home page)
> Thanks,
> Dave
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