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Re: [TowerTalk] Ham4 and CDE rotor controller

To: AD5VJ Bob <>, 'Brad Pioveson W9FX' <>, 'chas' <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ham4 and CDE rotor controller
From: Mark Robinson <>
Date: Sat, 05 Jul 2008 13:40:43 -0400
List-post: <">>
Ham IV schematic

I would check the value of R1 as a start.

Mark N1UK

----- Original Message ----- From: "AD5VJ Bob" <> To: "'Brad Pioveson W9FX'" <>; "'chas'" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, 05 July, 2008 1:29 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ham4 and CDE rotor controller

Went to the BAMA site and downloaded the 'Ham II' and the 'Ham M' manuals.

Looks like the Ham II controller is the same as the one I have here.

Guess they used the same one for the HAM-4 rotors as for Ham II.

I wish someone had a spare controller they could compare my findings to.

The nomenclature on the bottom of the rotor I have says H4.
So it is a Ham 4 rotor not a Ham IV rotor.

Just found out that if I remove one of the 3 and 7 wires (wire 3)
at the controller to the rotor direction pot, with all other wires connected,
then I have 12 volts DC across 3 and 7.

The second I reconnect the #3 wire it drops back down to 6.3 volts DC.

Also saw where if I push the calibrate with all wires connected it will
calibrate on "N", if I disconnect the #3 wire (regaining the 12Volts DC)
then it calibrates on the 'S' on the 'E' side of the meter as the manual says it should.
But the resistance between 3 and 7 is 521 ohms,
and they add up to 521 from ground to each one at any point of rotation,
so the direction pot cant be open or it would show
an open resistance wouldn't it?

I also watched the resistance on each leg as I turned the rotor and it is smooth
from 521 to 0 on each leg depending on direction of course.

Seems like there is more of a short drawing down the 12 volts, but where and how
since it is regulated by the Zener it should be constant shouldn't it?

I wish someone had a spare they could compare my findings to.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brad
Pioveson W9FX
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 6:18 AM
To: chas; AD5VJ Bob;
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ham4 and CDE rotor controller

Ham M and Ham II manuals here:

73, Brad, W9FX

----- Original Message -----
From: "chas" <>
To: "AD5VJ Bob" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 6:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ham4 and CDE rotor controller

> AD5VJ Bob wrote:
>> Does anyone have an older manual, I have downloaded the
only one I could
>> find and it is the one for the circuit  board model. Not
>> sure if the components are all the same between the older
ones and the
>> newer ones.
>>  Bob AD5VJ
> Bob
> if you find a source for the old manual for either controller OR the
> older Ham-n -- please post the source to the list. I am
sure that I am
> not the only person looking for those manuals (unless they were
> combined at some time).
> thanks and
> 73 de chas/k5dam
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