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Re: [TowerTalk] Elevated Radials

To: Bob Maser <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Elevated Radials
From: Richards <>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 22:50:41 -0400
List-post: <">>
Here is some info:

I attach an article by some Dx-pedition that used verticals and elevated verticals.

I emailed them about the elevated verticals and they talked me
out of it.  Maybe you can get a more encouraging answer from
them... They were very nice and gave me a detailed answer.

Good stuff in the ARRL Antenna Manual on elevated radials... which
also discouraged me from trying them.

Just my take - hope you have better luck.

          =========   Richards - K8JHR  =========


Bob Maser wrote:
Does anyone on this reflector have a source of information regarding using elevated radials with a ground mounted 1/4 wave vertical? My Hygain Hytower is at ground level but I would like to put 4-5 elevated radials up about 10 feet on it. How is the coupling between the radials and the feedpoint of the vertical achieved and how are the lengths of the radials calculated?
Bob Maser  W6TR 



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