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Re: [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2009 22:49:20 -0500
List-post: <">>
Steve Katz wrote:
> It's great stuff but requires the use of crimp connectors.  You can't solder 
> to the aluminum braid conductors.
They are easier to use and better any way.  I use all crimp connectors.
> This is the "pole to pole" cable that most cable TV service providers use if 
> they are not using 75 Ohm hardline.
The only messenger supported cable around here is the drop to the house 
although ours is only RG-6 as it comes through conduit from the pole to 
the house and they use 3/4" hard line pole to pole.
>   It's also often used in rural residential drops, where the run is too long 
> for RG6 cables (too lossy).  It's very strong, since it has to support itself 
> on spans of hundreds of feet between poles, even when covered with ice.  It 
> has a messenger cable molded into it, and the coax "hangs" from the 
> messenger; this particular cable has a .109" steel messenger that can support 
> 1800 lbs!
They won't do that kind of drop around here. If it's much over a 100' 
it'll go underground and for cable they'll run up to 500 feet (or more) 
of RG-6. Unfortunately for the longer runs they charge as if it were a 
custom made cable . On a 500' driveway they wanted either $2,000 or 
$3,000 just to put the RG-6 in the dirt.  Basically the charge was 
because they didn't want to do it.
> Nothing wrong with this cable at all, other than it's kind of "stiff" and you 
> need to use crimp connectors.
Power handling is probably close to RG-8 but a bit lower loss.  It 
should work well. The size is a bit odd so it becomes difficult to make 
your own connectors where as the 1/2" and 3/4" hard line makes good use 
a plumbing fittings. <:-))


Roger (K8RI)
> I've used it plenty of times.
> WB2WIK/6
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jim Brown
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 3:39 PM
> To: Tower Talk List
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable
> What's the shield material?  What frequency? 
> Jim K9YC
> On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 09:40:21 -0500, Jim Valdes wrote:
>> Does anyone know or have some experience with the power handling 
>> capability of TFC-T10 cable manufactured by Times Fiber Communications? 
>> I have a length and was wondering if it would be suitable to run out to 
>> the tower for HF/6m use? I've attached some information, it's the 11 
>> series cable - the center conductor is # 14 and the overall OD on the 
>> jacket is ~ .410 inch.
>> Thanks!!
>> Jim, WA1GPO
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