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Re: [TowerTalk] T Guy Anchor Inspection

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] T Guy Anchor Inspection
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 19:41:29 EDT
List-post: <">>
In a message dated 6/5/2009 5:18:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

>  As one of those things I was going to do when I got a 'Round  Tuit', 
today I started inspecting my guy anchor rods. (Tower is 78' Rohn 45G,  three 
guy levels; installation 16 years old). I excavated the first rod and  found 
good news and bad news. The good news is that it is structurally sound  
without extensive corrosion. The bad news is that has no galvanizing left and  
has a light coat of rust. Does anyone know of cathodic protection appropriate 
 for ham tower use? I can find commercial systems on the 'net, but they 
cost  ~2K$.
Hi, Tony --
    Good catch on the rod! Dave Leeson, W6QHS, had a  commercially 
overloaded 45G at his 140 MPH QTH that fell down when the below  ground anchor 
rusted through. It could've been so easily avoided. Oh well.  

I would just treat it like any other tower member  - wire brush it off, 
primer it and put some good cold galv spray paint on it.  A couple of coats for 
sure. Just do this every 10 years and that's all  you'll ever have to do. 
    You could also consider a commercial coating that  would encapsulate 
the anchor rod in the area of interest. Older towers that  have lost their 
galvanizing are sometimes epoxied - another long lasting  product. The key here 
is surface prep. Use TSP (there's another one - some  sort of solvent I 
think) and just do an over-engineering-type job on it and  you're good to go. 
(You do know how to over-engineer, don't you Tony?) (Just  kidding. Tony is a 
very good and intuitive engineering type.)
    Don't have anything to share about the cathodic  protection and I'm 
sure you're right about the price. 
Cheers & GL,
Steve     K7LXC

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