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Re: [TowerTalk] Cable Runs

To: Jim Hargrave <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cable Runs
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 23:00:08 -0400
List-post: <">>
Jim Hargrave wrote:
> Larry,
> My tower is 100ft from the house and I run my cables underground in schedule
> 40 PVC.
> The Black pipe is ok and cheaper, however it is vulnerable to shovels and
> can callapse from heavy weight such as lawn tractors or vehicles across the
> area. If it collapses then it is difficult to pull cable through it. Rigid
> PVC is a little easier to pull cables through, especially if you have any
> turns. If you use common white PVC be sure and get the gray electrical
> elbows for turns where you come out of the ground. The electrical elbows
> have a wider radius, making it easier to pull the cables through.

I use sweep 45's to create a wide radius 90.  Works just fine.
Be careful with PVC. If the sections are not fully seated the large 
sizes leave a 1/4 to 5/15" squared off lip to catch on at each joint.  
Normally the cement used for PVS makes the sections very slippery and 
they will bottom out. However it's very easy not to get them fully 
seated.  I didn't seal the large PVC between the shop and tower.  
Instead I used Vaseline  to get the joints to seat. That and when using 
the cement you only get one chance to get it right before they become 
permanently bonded.


Roger (K8RI)
>    * 73's Jim W5IFP *
>    >-----Original Message-----
>    >From:
>    >[]On Behalf Of Larry Boekeloo
>    >Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:46 PM
>    >To:
>    >Subject: [TowerTalk] Cable Runs
>    >
>    >
>    >My new tower will be 200 feet from the shack.  Any ideas what
>    >to run the cables in underground?  Pvc?  Flexbile black piping? 
>    >
>    >I'll have four runs of hardline and three runs of rotor cable. 
>    >Looking for ideas from the group.
>    >
>    >Thanks.
>    >
>    >Larry, KN8N
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