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Re: [TowerTalk] Dogs and coax - chew toy?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Dogs and coax - chew toy?
From: K8RI <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 12:35:27 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 9/11/2012 12:13 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
I’m going to have to string some coax out on the ground on a temporary basis 
over the winter - and wondered if the neighborhood muts may consider that coax as a 
chew toy?

Any experience there?
Over the years I've had many dogs including raising registered Black 
Labs. The only time I ever had a problem was with mice or ?? just 4 or 5 
years ago.  It had been a log winter. The snow was not unusually deep. 
In fact we rarely had more than 5 or 6  inches on the ground at one 
time, BUT we had solid snow cover like that for several months.
The TV started acting up and a trace showed the "TWO" coax cables from 
the satellite dish had been chewed through at the base of the tower 
where they made a loop to go into the junction box through the bulkhead 
connectors for the conduit into the house.
As far as dogs they have a wide range of personalities, just like cats 
and people.  Some dogs will chew on anything and others could care less. 
 Puppies OTOH will chew on most anything.
73 and good luck,

Roger (K8RI)



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