The compression coupling costs ~$8/pcs (Lower and Home Depot) and the flare
coupling about the same, but is used for two attachments. I payed $1 for the
PL-259 so the total cost for me was $5 per coupling plus about 10 minuter extra
work (20 minutes to cut, drill and solder per two) per attachment.
You can do the rest of the math. More important, I didn't now where I could get
the "right McCoy".
If you or somebody else have a link I will look in to it as I have several more
to do.
73 de,
Hans - N2JFS
-----Original Message-----
From: Drax Felton <>
To: 'Hans Hammarquist' <>; towertalk <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 9:04 pm
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] Attach a PL-259 to a 1/2" hardline
How much cheaper is it than buying the right adapters?
-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of Hans
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 7:25 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Attach a PL-259 to a 1/2" hardline
I took some photos of my attempts to connect a PL-259 to "the common" 1/2 "
hardline. The simple way is to use a 1/2 " compression union coupling but I
also used a 1/2 " flare union coupling. That require soem "shop"-work but
came out good (at least in my opinion.);
73 de,
Hans - N2JFS
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