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Re: [TowerTalk] Relay Box on Tower

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Relay Box on Tower
From: K8RI <>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 15:48:20 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 3/18/2013 10:13 AM, rfman45 wrote:

I think it's more the installation than the choice of box.  Some may be 
a bit more susceptible than others, but they are more or less just a 
bunch of relays.
I have had a 6-pack at the base of the tower for about 8 years now with 
no problems.  There are, or have been two remote antenna switches 
mounted about 10 - 15 feet up the tower. Unselected positions are 
grounded.  That is taking into account the tower seemed to be a 
lightning magnet for the first 6 years with 17 visually verified direct 
hits. Yet there have been none for at least 4 years.  That is at least 
none that were witnessed.
All coax runs have the shield grounded at the top and bottom of the 
tower. The 160, 75, and 40 meter wire antennas do not have the one side 
grounded although they are grounded at the remote switches when not 
selected.  All lightning arresters (Polyphasers) are located at the 
grounding bulkhead at the house entrance.
73 and good luck,

Roger (K8RI)

   I am looking to install a remote antenna relay switch box (Rat Pack, etc.) 
to choose antennas at my tower. I would like to hear your opinions especially 
on the service life of them versus lightning-induced surges, etc. Is there 
anything you've found that I should know? I lost one a couple of years ago and 
I'm looking to avoid that as best I can.  I lurk here 99% of the time and 
appreciate the group's generosity in sharing knowledge.    Thank you in advance 
for any thoughts you can offer.                                                 
            Mike  W2LO


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