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Re: [TowerTalk] HFTA Angles Data

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HFTA Angles Data
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 09:33:54 -0700
List-post: <">>
If I remember correctly, Dean Straw said that the ARRL crunched the 
numbers back in the mid-90's using a computer that took a few days, but 
I'm not sure it really matters.  We're talking optimum takeoff/arrival 
angles here, and I'm not sure that angle is a strong function of F-layer 
densities.  It would be pretty easy to check ... just run a few paths in 
VOACAP for the same hour of the day using two different SSNs and compare 
the TANGLE results for various frequencies.
Dave   AB7E

On 7/31/2013 8:42 PM, Roger wrote:
But is average really average. The sunspot cycles highs and lows we have recently experienced are quite different than previous cycles and so far this is reportedly, the lowest in a hundred years. From what cycle are the averages taken, or is the information updated to reflect current cycles?
I don't remember 40 ever being consistently as good for DX throughout 
the nights as it was for 4 or 5 recent years.

Roger (K8RI)


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