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Re: [TowerTalk] HyGain HG-70HD and Layover Fixture

To: Don <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HyGain HG-70HD and Layover Fixture
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 17:31:29 -0700
List-post: <">>
Just remember that the loads on a temporary support can be quite large. If the support is half-way from the pivot then the entire weight that section of the tower is on that support plus the translated moment from the beam, mast, and rotator. For a support further out the weight will reduce to half the tower weight with a support at the top and substantially reduce the chance of bending the tower. Make sure the support can't slip.
Grant KZ1W

On 7/6/2014 2:39 PM, Don wrote:
Up till this year I’ve had a friend down the coast who had a tow truck come up 
and lay the tower over for me when needed. He retired and sold the truck. So, a friend 
in the Phoenix area gave me an old layover fixture (given to him) that resembles both 
the HyGain and TRX-80 fixtures.

I had a local fleet rigging and welding shopup the coast  refurbish and strengthen the 
fixture. It looks very similar to the current TRX-80 which seems to equipped with a Fulton 
K1550 winch and 1/4 in cable. My K1550 spare however has a different mounting hole 
arrangement than that of the layover winch mounting plate on my fixture (so I have two 
assumptions – the original winch was not a K1550 or the fixture was an early  HyGain - 
maybe an early TRX?), In any case I’ve adapted of course.

Here comes the question.  The original fixture had a single pulley. I had the shop 
adapt it to accommodate two pulleys. Since the tower did not have a welded bracket on 
it for attaching the cable I had the shop make a two pulley device that is held by a 
1/4 in cable around the outer tower at about the 8 foot level which appears to be a 
height consistent with pictures I can find. I calculated that I would need about 60 
feet of cable with a double pulley system to do the layover but before I cast this in 
stone I’d like someone to double check my number.

Because of the lower beam boom length I plan to lay the tower over onto a 
wooden X frame with a cross-piece at the top, placed far enough along so that 
the boom of the bottom beam will clear the ground (did this with my Triex 
WT-51). Then will use a short ladder to get to the mast and rotator etc. The 
layover fixture for the WT-51 was a 15 foot piece of tubular steel put in the 
concrete behind the tower. Single pulley and smaller cable since the tower and 
antennas were less heavy.

I do have some pics of the fixture and maybe someone knows what it was.

Anyway, before I complete this effort (a long long way from anything or anywhere so 
want to be sure I’ve thought everything thru!!). Any suggestions welcome.



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