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Re: [TowerTalk] Repeater Feed Line

To: "Keith Dutson" <>, "Tower Talk" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Repeater Feed Line
From: "Steve Baughn" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 15:54:13 -0500
List-post: <">>

As Jim pointed out you do not mention how long the run from the base of the tower to the shack is. If it is another 100' or better one option may be to put the repeater in a doghouse at the base of the tower If you have or can get power out there. That would allow you to perhaps use the 7/8" hardline and run control lines inside to the shack if you want. For the antenna if you do not have one many times you can pick up a used Phelps Dodge/DB Products 8 or 16 bay commercial antenna pretty cheap. They are sturdy enough if you mount it at the top but if you decide to side mount it then you would need the side mounts. There is a reason most public safety use these antennas-they last under the worst of weather.
Steve, WD8NPL

-----Original Message----- From: Keith Dutson
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 12:00 PM
To: Tower Talk
Subject: [TowerTalk] Repeater Feed Line

I am planning to put up an antenna on my 150 foot Rohn 45 tower for a 2
meter repeater.  I have plenty of ½ inch Heliax, but a friend said 7/8 would
be better, and he has a piece to give me.  He said to put the antenna so
that the top of the antenna is below top of the tower, to avoid lightning
strikes striking it.

I cannot accommodate 7/8 hard line from the antenna to the shack, so am
planning to run it from near the antenna to near the bottom of the tower.,
and run jumpers to both the antenna and shack.  I am thinking 213 for
jumpers.  Also, I am thinking the 7/8 needs to be grounded to the tower at
both ends.

I am looking for suggestions/recommendations, and where to find connectors
and grounding hardware.  Thanks for any help.

73, Keith NM5G


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