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Re: [TowerTalk] Tower grounding connections and foundation

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower grounding connections and foundation
From: Jim Lux <>
Date: Sat, 08 Aug 2015 14:51:53 -0700
List-post: <">>
On 8/8/15 12:38 PM, Thomas Noel wrote:
I suspect the important aspect is the surface area interfacing with soil, not the 
volume of dirt under or surrounding the grounding system. That 6x6x6 cube has far more 
surface area in contact with the soil than does even a dozen ground rods and a radial 
field. Even if you compare just the surface area of the bonded rebar in the concrete, 
it is probably more surface area for transfer. I’ve never heard of a tower base 
exploding from the energy of a strike. Has anyone?

Thomas W Noel

There is a much cited photograph of concrete spalling at the base of a ski-lift tower in the Rockies. However, it turns out that in that case, the bolts in the concrete had rusted, so it's not representative of a Ufer ground.


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