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Re: [TowerTalk] DX Engineering

To: "Fred Keen" <>, "Keith Dutson" <>, "'TowerTalk'" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] DX Engineering
From: Andre VanWyk via TowerTalk <>
Reply-to: Andre VanWyk <>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 17:00:05 -0500
List-post: <">>
I echo Keith and Fred's comments. DXE has been excellent in service, product quality and shipping time. Everyone makes mistakes, but I find it hard to believe that someone at DXE will refuse to resolve this for you. There must be more to this story. They have a return policy which is on par with other vendors, so if you don’t like the connectors, I am sure they will gladly refund you if you return the connectors. I think this is a discussion that should take place on the phone between you and DXE, not here on the reflector.

-----Original Message----- From: Fred Keen
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 1:55 PM
To: Keith Dutson ; 'TowerTalk'
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] DX Engineering

My DX Engineering experience has been 100% positive, even when I order the wrong item :-(

On Sunday, September 6, 2015 12:53 AM, Keith Dutson <> wrote:

I buy from a lot of vendors.
DX Engineering has earned more of my business in the past couple of years due mainly to the addition of quality products that I used to buy from other sources. I also have noticed a big improvement in their service, especially in follow-up. IMNSHO, I believe complainers are simply grumbling, maybe because they have nothing constructive to talk about. <grin>
73, Keith NM5G

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of Matthew King - KK4CPS
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2015 11:58 PM
To: TowerTalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] DX Engineering

Thomas - as the former owner of a small business, I always wondered if people were giving me a second chance if I made a mistake. I can tell you this - if I was made aware of a mistake, it was fixed, handled, and made right on the spot. I'm hoping that you didn't decide to withhold future business from DX Engineering and speak negatively of them in a public forum without at least calling a manager and making them aware of the situation and how things transpired in your first attempt to rectify the situation.
Yours is the first "they were rude" story that I've ever heard about DX 
Engineering. I have a hunch that we've not heard the other side of the 
conversation. You'd already experienced the excellent service from them 
before, so I'd like to think if you gave them a second chance in proper 
fashion through proper channels that you'd see more of the great service 
that you'd grown accustomed to from prior dealings.
Give them a call and get a manager (or the owner, Tim Duffy) on the phone 
and let them make it right for you, then come back and report that.
To those that say they are overpriced on some things. No argument here, but 
I did recently hear that they price match, so maybe that'll help!


On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Thomas Noel <> wrote:

I shared the effusive praise opinion for DXE until a recent
transaction. I purchased RG8X cable and ordered Crimp/Crimp connectors
to go with. The connectors supplied were for old style solid conductor
8X cable, and their DXE brand coax with a stranded center conductor
would not fit into the center crimp. When contacted, their only
response was “So, what do you expect us to do about it?” They would
offer no solution, and were very rude on the phone.

I will not do business with them again.

Thomas W Noel

> On Sep 5, 2015, at 3:36 PM, w1yw via TowerTalk
> <>
> A first rate operation, always helpful, always fast and friendly.
> Great
prices. Absolutely no complaints.
> 73
> Chip W1YW
> Sent from my iPad
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