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[TowerTalk] PL 259 Connectors

To: Tower Talk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] PL 259 Connectors
From: "Timothy A. Holmes" <>
Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 17:18:07 -0400
List-post: <">>
Hi Guys:

I suspect that I am going to start a firestorm with this, but here goes.

I am getting ready to do a big rebuild / expansion on my now 20 foot tower, its going to 40 or 50. Part of the project is that I need to re run some of the coax feedlines. there will probably be several questions in different posts to keep things organized (in my mind if no where else)
What is the best kind of PL 259 connectors to use.  I purchased some 
cheap ones at Dayton last year and am NOT happy with them, they dont 
seem to hold well nor make exceptional contact -- i suspect they were 
just cheap aluminum.  I have easy (20 miles) access to the DXEngineering 
store, so their products would be my preference.

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