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[TowerTalk] Weight on ends of a OCF diploe

Subject: [TowerTalk] Weight on ends of a OCF diploe
From: Howard Hoyt <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 01:01:33 -0400
List-post: <">>
Hi all,

I have a 265' 160M OCF strung between two 90+ ft. trees which are ~400ft apart, so it required a LOT of tension to keep relatively horizontal. I tensioned it by hanging on the line end before tying off (and I weigh 200lbs) so I estimate the residual tension at 100-150+ pounds. I have each end of the 1/8" Kevlar guy ropes connected to pulleys on a vertical tram system so the antenna can be taken down without having to shoot lines over the trees a second time. Even though there is 100lbs.+ of tension in the antenna, the 1/2" vertical Dacron tram lines effectively act as a tensioning/shock absorber element and the antenna has been up for 5+ years in NC wx with no problem. For instance we just had a Derecho come through with 60MPH+ winds which took down a 80' white oak tree near the antenna :'(, and during the wind I saw the OCF feedpoint rocket up and down as much as 30', but it is still up at the correct height!
There is another wire antenna tensioning device I found, but I hadn't 
seen anyone post about it: <>

I would like to hear from people who have used it.

Cheers & 73,
Howie - WA4PSC


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