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Re: [TowerTalk] Swinging gate for rotating tower

To: "Matt Lovewell" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Swinging gate for rotating tower
From: "StellarCAT" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2016 07:57:40 -0400
List-post: <">>
I bought 2 hinges from Lowes ... they're for a fence - they JUST fit my R55 tower ... I was going to use 2 of them spaced about 6" apart with a solid 1/2" stainless rod going between them through the hinge pin holes, possible a bronze flanged bushing with washers welded on to the rod do so it stays in place .... then weld a piece of 3' x 1/4" either flat or 1x1 angle stainless as the arm ... put it on the leg that is looking towards your mid-point direction ... so for me I'm going to have North as the mid-point - so I will mount it to that leg pointed north ... that way as it moves ±180 degrees it will only move 'backwards' (closer to the tower) by about 1 1/2' ...
if you wouldn't mind if you get pictures please forward them on to me as 
well ...
K9RX (at ARRL dot net)
[building 148' R55 K0XG tower]

-----Original Message----- From: Matt Lovewell
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 7:46 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Swinging gate for rotating tower

I'm wrapping up my rotating tower project and need to complete the swinging gate to handle cables running up the tower. If anyone has photos of their or others' installations they would be helpful. I know you can't send photos through the list, but direct replies would be appreciated.
Thank you,

Matt Lovewell


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